List of Social Security Offices in Oklahoma

On this page, you will find a list of the 18 Social Security office locations in Oklahoma.

If you need help with any Social Security problems in Oklahoma, including questions about your social security benefits or how to get a new social security card, this directory will give you all the information you need.

Choose one of the cities below to find the Social Security office details you need to visit or make an appointment. We provide the local phone number, the address with a map, and the office hours they are open.

Cities in Oklahoma with No Social Security Offices

If you live in a city that doesn't have a Social Security office, you can find your nearest office using the table below, along with the distance from your city.

City Nearest Office Distance
Achille Durant, Oklahoma 11 miles
Adair Miami, Oklahoma 39 miles
Adams Pampa, Texas 83 miles
Adamson Mcalester, Oklahoma 12 miles
Addington Lawton, Oklahoma 35 miles
Afton Miami, Oklahoma 15 miles
Agra Stillwater, Oklahoma 19 miles
Akins Ft Smith, Arkansas 22 miles
Albany Durant, Oklahoma 15 miles
Albion Poteau, Oklahoma 40 miles
Alderson Mcalester, Oklahoma 3 miles
Alex Chickasha, Oklahoma 12 miles
Aline Enid, Oklahoma 32 miles
Allen Ada, Oklahoma 16 miles
Altus Lawton, Oklahoma 53 miles
Alva Enid, Oklahoma 51 miles
Amber Chickasha, Oklahoma 10 miles
Ames Enid, Oklahoma 20 miles
Amorita Enid, Oklahoma 41 miles
Anadarko Chickasha, Oklahoma 18 miles
Antlers Paris, Texas 39 miles
Apache Lawton, Oklahoma 21 miles
Arapaho Clinton, Oklahoma 5 miles
Arcadia Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 11 miles
Arkoma Ft Smith, Arkansas 4 miles
Armstrong Durant, Oklahoma 5 miles
Arnett Clinton, Oklahoma 63 miles
Arpelar Mcalester, Oklahoma 13 miles
Asher Ada, Oklahoma 20 miles
Ashland Mcalester, Oklahoma 20 miles
Atoka Durant, Oklahoma 31 miles
Atwood Ada, Oklahoma 22 miles
Avant Bartlesville, Oklahoma 19 miles
Avard Enid, Oklahoma 54 miles
Bache Mcalester, Oklahoma 6 miles
Badger Lee Ft Smith, Arkansas 27 miles
Baker Dodge City, Kansas 84 miles
Ballou Muskogee, Oklahoma 28 miles
Barber Muskogee, Oklahoma 30 miles
Barnsdall Bartlesville, Oklahoma 18 miles
Baron Fayetteville, Arkansas 30 miles
Bearden Shawnee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Beaver Dodge City, Kansas 72 miles
Bee Durant, Oklahoma 14 miles
Beggs Okmulgee, Oklahoma 10 miles
Belfonte Ft Smith, Arkansas 17 miles
Bell Ft Smith, Arkansas 28 miles
Bennington Durant, Oklahoma 20 miles
Bentley Durant, Oklahoma 23 miles
Bernice Miami, Oklahoma 20 miles
Bessie Clinton, Oklahoma 8 miles
Bethany Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 9 miles
Bethel Acres Shawnee, Oklahoma 7 miles
Big Cabin Miami, Oklahoma 32 miles
Billings Enid, Oklahoma 26 miles
Binger Chickasha, Oklahoma 30 miles
Bison Enid, Oklahoma 15 miles
Bixby Tulsa, Oklahoma 10 miles
Blackburn Stillwater, Oklahoma 31 miles
Blackgum Muskogee, Oklahoma 25 miles
Blackwell Enid, Oklahoma 43 miles
Blair Lawton, Oklahoma 54 miles
Blanchard Moore, Oklahoma 18 miles
Blanco Mcalester, Oklahoma 11 miles
Blue Durant, Oklahoma 9 miles
Bluejacket Miami, Oklahoma 14 miles
Boise City La Junta, Colorado 103 miles
Bokchito Durant, Oklahoma 14 miles
Bokoshe Poteau, Oklahoma 11 miles
Boley Shawnee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Boswell Durant, Oklahoma 30 miles
Bowlegs Shawnee, Oklahoma 20 miles
Bowring Bartlesville, Oklahoma 14 miles
Box Muskogee, Oklahoma 27 miles
Boynton Muskogee, Oklahoma 17 miles
Bradley Chickasha, Oklahoma 17 miles
Braggs Muskogee, Oklahoma 13 miles
Braman Enid, Oklahoma 47 miles
Bray Chickasha, Oklahoma 28 miles
Breckenridge Enid, Oklahoma 10 miles
Brent Poteau, Oklahoma 21 miles
Briartown Muskogee, Oklahoma 34 miles
Bridge Creek Moore, Oklahoma 16 miles
Bridgeport Clinton, Oklahoma 33 miles
Briggs Muskogee, Oklahoma 31 miles
Bristow Okmulgee, Oklahoma 28 miles
Broken Arrow Tulsa, Oklahoma 6 miles
Broken Bow Paris, Texas 52 miles
Bromide Ada, Oklahoma 27 miles
Brooksville Shawnee, Oklahoma 11 miles
Brush Creek Miami, Oklahoma 33 miles
Brushy Ft Smith, Arkansas 25 miles
Bryant Okmulgee, Oklahoma 17 miles
Buffalo Dodge City, Kansas 68 miles
Bug Tussle Mcalester, Oklahoma 9 miles
Bull Hollow Miami, Oklahoma 40 miles
Bunch Ft Smith, Arkansas 32 miles
Burbank Stillwater, Oklahoma 43 miles
Burlington Enid, Oklahoma 44 miles
Burneyville Ardmore, Oklahoma 20 miles
Burns Flat Clinton, Oklahoma 16 miles
Bushyhead Bartlesville, Oklahoma 31 miles
Butler Clinton, Oklahoma 15 miles
Butler Miami, Oklahoma 26 miles
Byars Ada, Oklahoma 23 miles
Byng Ada, Oklahoma 5 miles
Byron Enid, Oklahoma 40 miles
Cache Lawton, Oklahoma 12 miles
Caddo Durant, Oklahoma 12 miles
Calera Durant, Oklahoma 5 miles
Calumet Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 35 miles
Calvin Ada, Oklahoma 27 miles
Camargo Clinton, Oklahoma 40 miles
Cameron Poteau, Oklahoma 6 miles
Canadian Mcalester, Oklahoma 20 miles
Canadian Shores Mcalester, Oklahoma 19 miles
Caney Durant, Oklahoma 19 miles
Caney Muskogee, Oklahoma 31 miles
Caney Ridge Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Canton Clinton, Oklahoma 43 miles
Canute Clinton, Oklahoma 19 miles
Capron Enid, Oklahoma 50 miles
Carlisle Muskogee, Oklahoma 28 miles
Carlton Landing Mcalester, Oklahoma 24 miles
Carmen Enid, Oklahoma 34 miles
Carnegie Clinton, Oklahoma 35 miles
Carney Stillwater, Oklahoma 22 miles
Carrier Enid, Oklahoma 8 miles
Carter Clinton, Oklahoma 36 miles
Cartwright Sherman, Texas 14 miles
Cashion Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 17 miles
Castle Okmulgee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Catoosa Tulsa, Oklahoma 7 miles
Cave Spring Ft Smith, Arkansas 34 miles
Cayuga Miami, Oklahoma 21 miles
Cedar Crest Muskogee, Oklahoma 25 miles
Cedar Lake Chickasha, Oklahoma 31 miles
Cedar Valley Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 19 miles
Cement Chickasha, Oklahoma 13 miles
Centrahoma Ada, Oklahoma 22 miles
Central High Lawton, Oklahoma 19 miles
Chance Fayetteville, Arkansas 30 miles
Chandler Shawnee, Oklahoma 24 miles
Chattanooga Lawton, Oklahoma 18 miles
Checotah Muskogee, Oklahoma 22 miles
Chelsea Bartlesville, Oklahoma 31 miles
Cherokee Enid, Oklahoma 35 miles
Cherry Tree Ft Smith, Arkansas 31 miles
Chester Clinton, Oklahoma 49 miles
Chewey Fayetteville, Arkansas 36 miles
Cheyenne Clinton, Oklahoma 40 miles
Choctaw Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 14 miles
Chouteau Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Christie Fayetteville, Arkansas 33 miles
Cimarron City Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 21 miles
Claremore Tulsa, Oklahoma 20 miles
Clarita Ada, Oklahoma 25 miles
Clarksville Muskogee, Oklahoma 8 miles
Clayton Mcalester, Oklahoma 31 miles
Clearview Okmulgee, Oklahoma 20 miles
Cleora Miami, Oklahoma 23 miles
Cleo Springs Enid, Oklahoma 31 miles
Cleveland Stillwater, Oklahoma 35 miles
Cloud Creek Fayetteville, Arkansas 37 miles
Coalgate Ada, Oklahoma 31 miles
Colbert Durant, Oklahoma 12 miles
Colcord Fayetteville, Arkansas 33 miles
Cole Moore, Oklahoma 19 miles
Coleman Durant, Oklahoma 19 miles
Collinsville Tulsa, Oklahoma 19 miles
Colony Clinton, Oklahoma 20 miles
Comanche Lawton, Oklahoma 30 miles
Commerce Miami, Oklahoma 3 miles
Connerville Ada, Oklahoma 24 miles
Cookson Muskogee, Oklahoma 27 miles
Cooperton Lawton, Oklahoma 32 miles
Copan Bartlesville, Oklahoma 11 miles
Copeland Miami, Oklahoma 17 miles
Corn Clinton, Oklahoma 14 miles
Cornish Ardmore, Oklahoma 25 miles
Cottonwood Ada, Oklahoma 31 miles
Council Hill Okmulgee, Oklahoma 18 miles
Covington Enid, Oklahoma 19 miles
Coweta Tulsa, Oklahoma 15 miles
Cowlington Poteau, Oklahoma 14 miles
Coyle Stillwater, Oklahoma 16 miles
Crescent Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 25 miles
Crescent Springs Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 22 miles
Cromwell Shawnee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Crowder Mcalester, Oklahoma 16 miles
Cumberland Durant, Oklahoma 13 miles
Cushing Stillwater, Oklahoma 19 miles
Custer City Clinton, Oklahoma 12 miles
Cyril Chickasha, Oklahoma 18 miles
Dacoma Enid, Oklahoma 41 miles
Dale Shawnee, Oklahoma 8 miles
Davenport Shawnee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Davidson Wichita Falls, Texas 39 miles
Davis Ardmore, Oklahoma 17 miles
Deer Creek Enid, Oklahoma 34 miles
Deer Lick Miami, Oklahoma 31 miles
Delaware Bartlesville, Oklahoma 16 miles
Del City Moore, Oklahoma 6 miles
Dennis Miami, Oklahoma 25 miles
Depew Okmulgee, Oklahoma 33 miles
Devol Wichita Falls, Texas 22 miles
Dewar Okmulgee, Oklahoma 11 miles
Dewey Bartlesville, Oklahoma 4 miles
Dibble Chickasha, Oklahoma 18 miles
Dickson Ardmore, Oklahoma 10 miles
Dill City Clinton, Oklahoma 19 miles
Disney Miami, Oklahoma 30 miles
Dixon Shawnee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Dodge Miami, Oklahoma 25 miles
Dotyville Miami, Oklahoma 4 miles
Dougherty Ardmore, Oklahoma 16 miles
Douglas Enid, Oklahoma 16 miles
Dover Enid, Oklahoma 30 miles
Dripping Springs Fayetteville, Arkansas 31 miles
Drowning Creek Miami, Oklahoma 29 miles
Drummond Enid, Oklahoma 11 miles
Drumright Stillwater, Oklahoma 27 miles
Dry Creek Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Duchess Landing Muskogee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Duncan Lawton, Oklahoma 27 miles
Durham Clinton, Oklahoma 59 miles
Dustin Okmulgee, Oklahoma 24 miles
Dwight Mission Ft Smith, Arkansas 31 miles
Eagle City Clinton, Oklahoma 36 miles
Eagletown Texarkana, Texas 48 miles
Eakly Clinton, Oklahoma 27 miles
Earl Ardmore, Oklahoma 15 miles
Earlsboro Shawnee, Oklahoma 8 miles
East Duke Lawton, Oklahoma 66 miles
Edgewater Park Lawton, Oklahoma 16 miles
Edmond Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4 miles
Eldon Muskogee, Oklahoma 33 miles
Eldorado Lawton, Oklahoma 71 miles
Elgin Lawton, Oklahoma 15 miles
Elk City Clinton, Oklahoma 26 miles
Elmer Lawton, Oklahoma 54 miles
Elm Grove Ft Smith, Arkansas 33 miles
Elmore City Ardmore, Oklahoma 33 miles
Elohim City Ft Smith, Arkansas 22 miles
El Reno Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 26 miles
Emet Durant, Oklahoma 17 miles
Empire City Lawton, Oklahoma 25 miles
Enterprise Mcalester, Oklahoma 31 miles
Erick Clinton, Oklahoma 55 miles
Erin Springs Chickasha, Oklahoma 24 miles
Etowah Shawnee, Oklahoma 21 miles
Etta Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Eufaula Mcalester, Oklahoma 28 miles
Evening Shade Muskogee, Oklahoma 28 miles
Fairfax Stillwater, Oklahoma 36 miles
Fairfield Fayetteville, Arkansas 33 miles
Fairland Miami, Oklahoma 10 miles
Fairmont Enid, Oklahoma 11 miles
Fair Oaks Tulsa, Oklahoma 10 miles
Fairview Enid, Oklahoma 34 miles
Fallis Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 24 miles
Fanshawe Poteau, Oklahoma 18 miles
Fargo Clinton, Oklahoma 70 miles
Faxon Lawton, Oklahoma 13 miles
Fay Clinton, Oklahoma 27 miles
Felt Trinidad, Colorado 103 miles
Finley Mcalester, Oklahoma 42 miles
Fittstown Ada, Oklahoma 12 miles
Fitzhugh Ada, Oklahoma 11 miles
Fletcher Lawton, Oklahoma 18 miles
Flint Creek Fayetteville, Arkansas 34 miles
Flute Springs Ft Smith, Arkansas 31 miles
Foraker Bartlesville, Oklahoma 37 miles
Forest Park Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 7 miles
Forgan Dodge City, Kansas 67 miles
Fort Cobb Chickasha, Oklahoma 29 miles
Fort Coffee Ft Smith, Arkansas 14 miles
Fort Gibson Muskogee, Oklahoma 8 miles
Fort Supply Clinton, Oklahoma 81 miles
Fort Towson Paris, Texas 28 miles
Foss Clinton, Oklahoma 12 miles
Foster Ardmore, Oklahoma 35 miles
Fox Ardmore, Oklahoma 23 miles
Foyil Tulsa, Oklahoma 30 miles
Francis Ada, Oklahoma 7 miles
Frederick Lawton, Oklahoma 37 miles
Freedom Enid, Oklahoma 72 miles
Friendship Lawton, Oklahoma 47 miles
Gage Clinton, Oklahoma 71 miles
Gans Ft Smith, Arkansas 19 miles
Garber Enid, Oklahoma 17 miles
Garvin Paris, Texas 39 miles
Gate Dodge City, Kansas 64 miles
Geary Clinton, Oklahoma 38 miles
Gene Autry Ardmore, Oklahoma 10 miles
Geronimo Lawton, Oklahoma 8 miles
Gerty Ada, Oklahoma 22 miles
Gideon Muskogee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Glencoe Stillwater, Oklahoma 10 miles
Glenpool Tulsa, Oklahoma 13 miles
Golden Paris, Texas 44 miles
Goldsby Moore, Oklahoma 15 miles
Goltry Enid, Oklahoma 16 miles
Goodwell Pampa, Texas 80 miles
Gore Muskogee, Oklahoma 23 miles
Gotebo Clinton, Oklahoma 31 miles
Gould Clinton, Oklahoma 74 miles
Gowen Mcalester, Oklahoma 16 miles
Gracemont Chickasha, Oklahoma 21 miles
Grainola Bartlesville, Oklahoma 43 miles
Grandfield Wichita Falls, Texas 25 miles
Grand Lake Towne Miami, Oklahoma 29 miles
Grandview Muskogee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Granite Clinton, Oklahoma 44 miles
Grant Paris, Texas 19 miles
Grayson Okmulgee, Oklahoma 10 miles
Greasy Ft Smith, Arkansas 29 miles
Greenfield Clinton, Oklahoma 36 miles
Greenville Ardmore, Oklahoma 12 miles
Gregory Tulsa, Oklahoma 16 miles
Grove Miami, Oklahoma 22 miles
Guthrie Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 20 miles
Guymon Pampa, Texas 82 miles
Haileyville Mcalester, Oklahoma 10 miles
Hallett Stillwater, Oklahoma 28 miles
Hammon Clinton, Oklahoma 25 miles
Hanna Mcalester, Oklahoma 22 miles
Hanson Ft Smith, Arkansas 20 miles
Hardesty Pampa, Texas 74 miles
Harrah Shawnee, Oklahoma 17 miles
Hartshorne Mcalester, Oklahoma 12 miles
Haskell Muskogee, Oklahoma 16 miles
Hastings Lawton, Oklahoma 31 miles
Haworth Texarkana, Texas 42 miles
Haywood Mcalester, Oklahoma 11 miles
Headrick Lawton, Oklahoma 41 miles
Healdton Ardmore, Oklahoma 19 miles
Heavener Poteau, Oklahoma 14 miles
Helena Enid, Oklahoma 23 miles
Hendrix Sherman, Texas 14 miles
Hennepin Ardmore, Oklahoma 25 miles
Hennessey Enid, Oklahoma 21 miles
Henryetta Okmulgee, Oklahoma 13 miles
Hickory Ada, Oklahoma 20 miles
Hillsdale Enid, Oklahoma 11 miles
Hinton Clinton, Oklahoma 34 miles
Hitchcock Enid, Oklahoma 40 miles
Hitchita Okmulgee, Oklahoma 14 miles
Hobart Clinton, Oklahoma 34 miles
Hochatown Paris, Texas 56 miles
Hodgen Poteau, Oklahoma 17 miles
Hoffman Okmulgee, Oklahoma 11 miles
Holdenville Ada, Oklahoma 25 miles
Hollis Clinton, Oklahoma 78 miles
Hollister Lawton, Oklahoma 31 miles
Homestead Enid, Oklahoma 34 miles
Hominy Bartlesville, Oklahoma 35 miles
Honey Hill Ft Smith, Arkansas 31 miles
Hooker Pampa, Texas 90 miles
Hoot Owl Miami, Oklahoma 40 miles
Hopeton Enid, Oklahoma 47 miles
Horntown Mcalester, Oklahoma 31 miles
Hough Pampa, Texas 96 miles
Howe Poteau, Oklahoma 10 miles
Hoyt Muskogee, Oklahoma 35 miles
Hugo Paris, Texas 24 miles
Hulbert Muskogee, Oklahoma 18 miles
Hunter Enid, Oklahoma 16 miles
Hydro Clinton, Oklahoma 22 miles
Idabel Paris, Texas 43 miles
Indiahoma Lawton, Oklahoma 19 miles
Indianola Miami, Oklahoma 33 miles
Indianola Mcalester, Oklahoma 18 miles
Ingalls Stillwater, Oklahoma 10 miles
Inola Tulsa, Oklahoma 20 miles
Iron Post Muskogee, Oklahoma 30 miles
Isabella Enid, Oklahoma 28 miles
IXL Okmulgee, Oklahoma 25 miles
Jay Miami, Oklahoma 33 miles
Jefferson Enid, Oklahoma 22 miles
Jenks Tulsa, Oklahoma 8 miles
Jennings Stillwater, Oklahoma 27 miles
Jet Enid, Oklahoma 23 miles
Johnson Shawnee, Oklahoma 5 miles
Johnson Prairie Muskogee, Oklahoma 32 miles
Jones Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 12 miles
Justice Tulsa, Oklahoma 21 miles
Kansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 38 miles
Katie Ardmore, Oklahoma 30 miles
Kaw City Stillwater, Oklahoma 45 miles
Keefton Muskogee, Oklahoma 13 miles
Kellyville Tulsa, Oklahoma 23 miles
Kemp Durant, Oklahoma 16 miles
Kendrick Stillwater, Oklahoma 28 miles
Kenefic Durant, Oklahoma 11 miles
Kenton La Junta, Colorado 81 miles
Kenwood Miami, Oklahoma 42 miles
Keota Poteau, Oklahoma 20 miles
Ketchum Miami, Oklahoma 28 miles
Keyes La Junta, Colorado 107 miles
Keys Muskogee, Oklahoma 24 miles
Kiefer Tulsa, Oklahoma 16 miles
Kildare Stillwater, Oklahoma 47 miles
Kingfisher Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 31 miles
Kingston Durant, Oklahoma 19 miles
Kinta Mcalester, Oklahoma 33 miles
Kiowa Mcalester, Oklahoma 15 miles
Knowles Dodge City, Kansas 63 miles
Konawa Ada, Oklahoma 13 miles
Krebs Mcalester, Oklahoma 3 miles
Kremlin Enid, Oklahoma 9 miles
Lahoma Enid, Oklahoma 11 miles
Lake Aluma Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 5 miles
Lake Ellsworth Addition Lawton, Oklahoma 18 miles
Lakeside Village Lawton, Oklahoma 14 miles
Lamar Mcalester, Oklahoma 25 miles
Lambert Enid, Oklahoma 35 miles
Lamont Enid, Oklahoma 26 miles
Lane Durant, Oklahoma 31 miles
Langley Miami, Oklahoma 31 miles
Langston Stillwater, Oklahoma 17 miles
Latta Ada, Oklahoma 4 miles
Laverne Dodge City, Kansas 74 miles
Lawrence Creek Tulsa, Oklahoma 32 miles
Lawtonka Acres Lawton, Oklahoma 14 miles
Leach Muskogee, Oklahoma 40 miles
Lebanon Ardmore, Oklahoma 20 miles
Leedey Clinton, Oklahoma 33 miles
Le Flore Poteau, Oklahoma 24 miles
Lehigh Ada, Oklahoma 34 miles
Lenapah Bartlesville, Oklahoma 17 miles
Leon Ardmore, Oklahoma 26 miles
Leonard Tulsa, Oklahoma 12 miles
Lequire Poteau, Oklahoma 27 miles
Lexington Moore, Oklahoma 26 miles
Liberty Okmulgee, Oklahoma 16 miles
Liberty Ft Smith, Arkansas 14 miles
Lima Shawnee, Oklahoma 21 miles
Limestone Tulsa, Oklahoma 16 miles
Lindsay Chickasha, Oklahoma 23 miles
Little City Durant, Oklahoma 15 miles
Little Ponderosa Dodge City, Kansas 75 miles
Little Rock Muskogee, Oklahoma 36 miles
Loco Ardmore, Oklahoma 31 miles
Locust Grove Muskogee, Oklahoma 32 miles
Lone Grove Ardmore, Oklahoma 6 miles
Lone Wolf Clinton, Oklahoma 39 miles
Long Ft Smith, Arkansas 16 miles
Longdale Enid, Oklahoma 42 miles
Longtown Mcalester, Oklahoma 27 miles
Lookeba Chickasha, Oklahoma 33 miles
Lost City Muskogee, Oklahoma 21 miles
Lotsee Tulsa, Oklahoma 20 miles
Loveland Lawton, Oklahoma 29 miles
Lovell Enid, Oklahoma 29 miles
Lowrey Muskogee, Oklahoma 35 miles
Loyal Enid, Oklahoma 33 miles
Lucien Stillwater, Oklahoma 25 miles
Luther Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 18 miles
Lyons Switch Ft Smith, Arkansas 35 miles
Macomb Shawnee, Oklahoma 15 miles
Madill Durant, Oklahoma 23 miles
Mallard Bay Muskogee, Oklahoma 9 miles
Manchester Enid, Oklahoma 40 miles
Mangum Clinton, Oklahoma 53 miles
Manitou Lawton, Oklahoma 33 miles
Mannford Tulsa, Oklahoma 27 miles
Mannsville Ardmore, Oklahoma 16 miles
Maramec Stillwater, Oklahoma 22 miles
Marble City Ft Smith, Arkansas 31 miles
Marietta Fayetteville, Arkansas 35 miles
Marietta Ardmore, Oklahoma 17 miles
Marland Stillwater, Oklahoma 30 miles
Marlow Lawton, Oklahoma 26 miles
Marshall Enid, Oklahoma 24 miles
Martha Lawton, Oklahoma 56 miles
Maud Shawnee, Oklahoma 17 miles
May Dodge City, Kansas 81 miles
Maysville Chickasha, Oklahoma 34 miles
Mazie Muskogee, Oklahoma 23 miles
McBride Durant, Oklahoma 15 miles
McCord Stillwater, Oklahoma 38 miles
McCurtain Poteau, Oklahoma 20 miles
McLoud Shawnee, Oklahoma 12 miles
Mead Durant, Oklahoma 7 miles
Medford Enid, Oklahoma 28 miles
Medicine Park Lawton, Oklahoma 11 miles
Meeker Shawnee, Oklahoma 10 miles
Mehan Stillwater, Oklahoma 8 miles
Meno Enid, Oklahoma 16 miles
Meridian Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 22 miles
Middleberg Chickasha, Oklahoma 13 miles
Midwest City Moore, Oklahoma 8 miles
Milburn Durant, Oklahoma 19 miles
Milfay Shawnee, Oklahoma 34 miles
Mill Creek Ardmore, Oklahoma 25 miles
Millerton Paris, Texas 37 miles
Minco Chickasha, Oklahoma 19 miles
Moffett Ft Smith, Arkansas 6 miles
Monroe Poteau, Oklahoma 9 miles
Moodys Muskogee, Oklahoma 30 miles
Mooreland Clinton, Oklahoma 66 miles
Morris Okmulgee, Oklahoma 6 miles
Morrison Stillwater, Oklahoma 12 miles
Mounds Okmulgee, Oklahoma 19 miles
Mountain Park Lawton, Oklahoma 31 miles
Mountain View Clinton, Oklahoma 31 miles
Moyers Mcalester, Oklahoma 40 miles
Mulberry Fayetteville, Arkansas 36 miles
Muldrow Ft Smith, Arkansas 14 miles
Mulhall Stillwater, Oklahoma 16 miles
Murphy Muskogee, Oklahoma 27 miles
Mustang Moore, Oklahoma 13 miles
Mutual Clinton, Oklahoma 51 miles
Narcissa Miami, Oklahoma 8 miles
Nardin Enid, Oklahoma 36 miles
Nash Enid, Oklahoma 19 miles
Nashoba Mcalester, Oklahoma 42 miles
Nelagoney Bartlesville, Oklahoma 20 miles
Nescatunga Enid, Oklahoma 27 miles
New Alluwe Bartlesville, Oklahoma 26 miles
Newcastle Moore, Oklahoma 10 miles
New Cordell Clinton, Oklahoma 15 miles
New Eucha Miami, Oklahoma 35 miles
Newkirk Stillwater, Oklahoma 52 miles
New Woodville Durant, Oklahoma 15 miles
Nichols Hills Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4 miles
Nicoma Park Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 12 miles
Nicut Ft Smith, Arkansas 20 miles
Ninnekah Chickasha, Oklahoma 6 miles
Noble Moore, Oklahoma 16 miles
Norge Chickasha, Oklahoma 4 miles
Norman Moore, Oklahoma 10 miles
North Enid Enid, Oklahoma 2 miles
North Miami Miami, Oklahoma 2 miles
Norwood Muskogee, Oklahoma 15 miles
Notchietown Muskogee, Oklahoma 22 miles
Nowata Bartlesville, Oklahoma 16 miles
Oak Grove Tulsa, Oklahoma 28 miles
Oak Hill-Piney Miami, Oklahoma 37 miles
Oakhurst Tulsa, Oklahoma 12 miles
Oakland Ardmore, Oklahoma 22 miles
Oaks Fayetteville, Arkansas 41 miles
Oakwood Clinton, Oklahoma 33 miles
Ochelata Bartlesville, Oklahoma 10 miles
Oilton Stillwater, Oklahoma 26 miles
Okarche Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 28 miles
Okay Muskogee, Oklahoma 7 miles
Okeene Enid, Oklahoma 32 miles
Okemah Okmulgee, Oklahoma 23 miles
Oktaha Muskogee, Oklahoma 14 miles
Old Eucha Miami, Oklahoma 38 miles
Old Green Fayetteville, Arkansas 28 miles
Olive Stillwater, Oklahoma 33 miles
Olustee Lawton, Oklahoma 58 miles
Oologah Bartlesville, Oklahoma 24 miles
Optima Pampa, Texas 85 miles
Orlando Stillwater, Oklahoma 18 miles
Osage Tulsa, Oklahoma 34 miles
Owasso Tulsa, Oklahoma 13 miles
Paden Shawnee, Oklahoma 22 miles
Panama Poteau, Oklahoma 6 miles
Panola Mcalester, Oklahoma 31 miles
Paoli Ada, Oklahoma 34 miles
Paradise Hill Muskogee, Oklahoma 21 miles
Park Hill Muskogee, Oklahoma 25 miles
Pauls Valley Ada, Oklahoma 32 miles
Pawhuska Bartlesville, Oklahoma 24 miles
Pawnee Stillwater, Oklahoma 20 miles
Peavine Fayetteville, Arkansas 31 miles
Peckham Enid, Oklahoma 51 miles
Peggs Muskogee, Oklahoma 27 miles
Pensacola Miami, Oklahoma 34 miles
Peoria Miami, Oklahoma 10 miles
Perkins Stillwater, Oklahoma 11 miles
Perry Stillwater, Oklahoma 17 miles
Pershing Bartlesville, Oklahoma 22 miles
Pettit Muskogee, Oklahoma 24 miles
Phillips Ada, Oklahoma 32 miles
Pickett Ada, Oklahoma 6 miles
Piedmont Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 15 miles
Piney Fayetteville, Arkansas 28 miles
Pinhook Corner Ft Smith, Arkansas 32 miles
Pink Shawnee, Oklahoma 13 miles
Pin Oak Acres Muskogee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Pittsburg Mcalester, Oklahoma 14 miles
Platter Durant, Oklahoma 10 miles
Pocasset Chickasha, Oklahoma 11 miles
Pocola Ft Smith, Arkansas 11 miles
Ponca City Stillwater, Oklahoma 40 miles
Pond Creek Enid, Oklahoma 18 miles
Pontotoc Ada, Oklahoma 21 miles
Porter Muskogee, Oklahoma 10 miles
Porum Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Prague Shawnee, Oklahoma 16 miles
Preston Okmulgee, Oklahoma 6 miles
Proctor Muskogee, Oklahoma 37 miles
Prue Tulsa, Oklahoma 28 miles
Pryor Creek Tulsa, Oklahoma 33 miles
Pump Back Muskogee, Oklahoma 37 miles
Pumpkin Hollow Muskogee, Oklahoma 35 miles
Purcell Moore, Oklahoma 24 miles
Putnam Clinton, Oklahoma 24 miles
Quapaw Miami, Oklahoma 5 miles
Quay Stillwater, Oklahoma 19 miles
Quinlan Enid, Oklahoma 64 miles
Quinton Mcalester, Oklahoma 26 miles
Ralston Stillwater, Oklahoma 32 miles
Ramona Bartlesville, Oklahoma 15 miles
Randlett Wichita Falls, Texas 21 miles
Ratliff City Ardmore, Oklahoma 27 miles
Rattan Paris, Texas 37 miles
Ravia Ardmore, Oklahoma 24 miles
Reagan Ardmore, Oklahoma 28 miles
Redbird Muskogee, Oklahoma 14 miles
Redbird Smith Muskogee, Oklahoma 25 miles
Red Oak Poteau, Oklahoma 27 miles
Red Rock Stillwater, Oklahoma 24 miles
Remy Ft Smith, Arkansas 12 miles
Renfrow Enid, Oklahoma 37 miles
Rentiesville Muskogee, Oklahoma 18 miles
Reydon Clinton, Oklahoma 55 miles
Ringling Ardmore, Oklahoma 24 miles
Ringwood Enid, Oklahoma 20 miles
Ripley Stillwater, Oklahoma 11 miles
River Bottom Muskogee, Oklahoma 13 miles
Rock Island Poteau, Oklahoma 11 miles
Rocky Clinton, Oklahoma 25 miles
Rocky Ford Muskogee, Oklahoma 38 miles
Rocky Mountain Muskogee, Oklahoma 35 miles
Rocky Point Muskogee, Oklahoma 18 miles
Roff Ada, Oklahoma 15 miles
Roland Ft Smith, Arkansas 10 miles
Roosevelt Lawton, Oklahoma 39 miles
Rose Muskogee, Oklahoma 37 miles
Rosedale Ada, Oklahoma 31 miles
Rosston Dodge City, Kansas 67 miles
Rush Springs Chickasha, Oklahoma 17 miles
Ryan Wichita Falls, Texas 36 miles
Salina Muskogee, Oklahoma 39 miles
Sallisaw Ft Smith, Arkansas 25 miles
Sams Corner Muskogee, Oklahoma 31 miles
Sand Hill Muskogee, Oklahoma 14 miles
Sand Point Durant, Oklahoma 10 miles
Sand Springs Tulsa, Oklahoma 16 miles
Sapulpa Tulsa, Oklahoma 16 miles
Sasakwa Ada, Oklahoma 14 miles
Savanna Mcalester, Oklahoma 7 miles
Sawyer Paris, Texas 25 miles
Sayre Clinton, Oklahoma 41 miles
Schulter Okmulgee, Oklahoma 7 miles
Scipio Mcalester, Oklahoma 16 miles
Seiling Clinton, Oklahoma 44 miles
Selman Dodge City, Kansas 73 miles
Seminole Shawnee, Oklahoma 16 miles
Sentinel Clinton, Oklahoma 27 miles
Sequoyah Tulsa, Oklahoma 25 miles
Seward Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 14 miles
Shady Grove Muskogee, Oklahoma 21 miles
Shady Grove Muskogee, Oklahoma 19 miles
Shady Point Poteau, Oklahoma 3 miles
Shamrock Stillwater, Oklahoma 30 miles
Sharon Clinton, Oklahoma 57 miles
Shattuck Clinton, Oklahoma 74 miles
Shidler Bartlesville, Oklahoma 41 miles
Short Ft Smith, Arkansas 17 miles
Silo Durant, Oklahoma 6 miles
Simms Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Skedee Stillwater, Oklahoma 26 miles
Skiatook Tulsa, Oklahoma 18 miles
Slaughterville Moore, Oklahoma 21 miles
Slick Okmulgee, Oklahoma 20 miles
Smith Village Moore, Oklahoma 6 miles
Smithville Poteau, Oklahoma 43 miles
Snake Creek Muskogee, Oklahoma 33 miles
Snyder Lawton, Oklahoma 31 miles
Soper Paris, Texas 27 miles
Sour John Muskogee, Oklahoma 17 miles
South Coffeyville Independence, Kansas 18 miles
Sparks Shawnee, Oklahoma 18 miles
Sparrowhawk Muskogee, Oklahoma 31 miles
Spaulding Ada, Oklahoma 20 miles
Spavinaw Miami, Oklahoma 36 miles
Spencer Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 8 miles
Sperry Tulsa, Oklahoma 16 miles
Spiro Poteau, Oklahoma 10 miles
Sportmans Shores Miami, Oklahoma 32 miles
Sportsmen Acres Muskogee, Oklahoma 34 miles
Springer Ardmore, Oklahoma 9 miles
Steely Hollow Muskogee, Oklahoma 30 miles
Sterling Lawton, Oklahoma 17 miles
Stidham Okmulgee, Oklahoma 23 miles
Stigler Poteau, Oklahoma 30 miles
Stilwell Fayetteville, Arkansas 35 miles
St. Louis Shawnee, Oklahoma 20 miles
Stonewall Ada, Oklahoma 12 miles
Stoney Point Ft Smith, Arkansas 24 miles
Strang Miami, Oklahoma 37 miles
Stratford Ada, Oklahoma 17 miles
Stringtown Mcalester, Oklahoma 35 miles
Strong City Clinton, Oklahoma 37 miles
Stroud Shawnee, Oklahoma 32 miles
Stuart Mcalester, Oklahoma 20 miles
Sugden Wichita Falls, Texas 36 miles
Sulphur Ardmore, Oklahoma 25 miles
Summit Muskogee, Oklahoma 7 miles
Sumner Stillwater, Oklahoma 14 miles
Sunray Lawton, Oklahoma 28 miles
Sweetwater Clinton, Oklahoma 54 miles
Swink Paris, Texas 30 miles
Sycamore Miami, Oklahoma 35 miles
Taft Muskogee, Oklahoma 9 miles
Tagg Flats Miami, Oklahoma 39 miles
Tahlequah Muskogee, Oklahoma 26 miles
Talala Bartlesville, Oklahoma 19 miles
Talihina Poteau, Oklahoma 33 miles
Taloga Clinton, Oklahoma 37 miles
Tamaha Poteau, Oklahoma 29 miles
Tatums Ardmore, Oklahoma 27 miles
Taylor Ferry Muskogee, Oklahoma 14 miles
Tecumseh Shawnee, Oklahoma 7 miles
Temple Lawton, Oklahoma 24 miles
Tenkiller Muskogee, Oklahoma 30 miles
Teresita Muskogee, Oklahoma 33 miles
Terlton Stillwater, Oklahoma 32 miles
Terral Wichita Falls, Texas 36 miles
Texanna Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Texhoma Pampa, Texas 79 miles
Texola Pampa, Texas 60 miles
Thackerville Ardmore, Oklahoma 27 miles
The Village Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4 miles
Thomas Clinton, Oklahoma 20 miles
Tiawah Tulsa, Oklahoma 20 miles
Tipton Lawton, Oklahoma 42 miles
Tishomingo Durant, Oklahoma 24 miles
Titanic Muskogee, Oklahoma 36 miles
Tonkawa Enid, Oklahoma 37 miles
Tonkawa Tribal Housing Enid, Oklahoma 39 miles
Toppers Muskogee, Oklahoma 15 miles
Tribbey Shawnee, Oklahoma 18 miles
Tryon Stillwater, Oklahoma 18 miles
Tullahassee Muskogee, Oklahoma 5 miles
Tupelo Ada, Oklahoma 19 miles
Turley Tulsa, Oklahoma 12 miles
Turpin Dodge City, Kansas 79 miles
Tushka Durant, Oklahoma 26 miles
Tuskahoma Mcalester, Oklahoma 33 miles
Tuttle Moore, Oklahoma 19 miles
Twin Lakes Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 21 miles
Twin Oaks Fayetteville, Arkansas 41 miles
Tyrone Dodge City, Kansas 82 miles
Union City Chickasha, Oklahoma 25 miles
Utica Durant, Oklahoma 12 miles
Valley Brook Moore, Oklahoma 3 miles
Valley Park Tulsa, Oklahoma 15 miles
Valliant Paris, Texas 34 miles
Vanoss Ada, Oklahoma 12 miles
Velma Ardmore, Oklahoma 35 miles
Vera Bartlesville, Oklahoma 20 miles
Verden Chickasha, Oklahoma 9 miles
Verdigris Tulsa, Oklahoma 13 miles
Vian Muskogee, Oklahoma 30 miles
Vici Clinton, Oklahoma 48 miles
Vinita Miami, Oklahoma 24 miles
Wagoner Muskogee, Oklahoma 13 miles
Wainwright Muskogee, Oklahoma 14 miles
Wakita Enid, Oklahoma 32 miles
Walters Lawton, Oklahoma 17 miles
Wanette Ada, Oklahoma 24 miles
Wann Bartlesville, Oklahoma 14 miles
Wapanucka Durant, Oklahoma 26 miles
Wardville Mcalester, Oklahoma 23 miles
Warner Muskogee, Oklahoma 20 miles
Warr Acres Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 9 miles
Warwick Shawnee, Oklahoma 23 miles
Washington Moore, Oklahoma 21 miles
Washita Chickasha, Oklahoma 23 miles
Watonga Clinton, Oklahoma 39 miles
Watova Bartlesville, Oklahoma 17 miles
Watts Fayetteville, Arkansas 25 miles
Wauhillau Muskogee, Oklahoma 35 miles
Waukomis Enid, Oklahoma 10 miles
Waurika Wichita Falls, Texas 38 miles
Wayne Moore, Oklahoma 32 miles
Waynoka Enid, Oklahoma 56 miles
Weatherford Clinton, Oklahoma 15 miles
Webb City Bartlesville, Oklahoma 44 miles
Webbers Falls Muskogee, Oklahoma 23 miles
Welch Miami, Oklahoma 13 miles
Weleetka Okmulgee, Oklahoma 22 miles
Welling Muskogee, Oklahoma 29 miles
Wellston Shawnee, Oklahoma 25 miles
Welty Okmulgee, Oklahoma 25 miles
West Peavine Fayetteville, Arkansas 33 miles
Westport Tulsa, Oklahoma 28 miles
West Siloam Springs Fayetteville, Arkansas 25 miles
Westville Fayetteville, Arkansas 26 miles
Wetumka Okmulgee, Oklahoma 31 miles
Wewoka Shawnee, Oklahoma 27 miles
Whippoorwill Bartlesville, Oklahoma 16 miles
White Eagle Stillwater, Oklahoma 33 miles
Whitefield Poteau, Oklahoma 36 miles
Whitehorn Cove Muskogee, Oklahoma 17 miles
White Oak Miami, Oklahoma 30 miles
Whitesboro Poteau, Oklahoma 31 miles
White Water Miami, Oklahoma 28 miles
Wickliffe Muskogee, Oklahoma 41 miles
Wilburton Mcalester, Oklahoma 25 miles
Willow Clinton, Oklahoma 44 miles
Wilson Ardmore, Oklahoma 15 miles
Winchester Okmulgee, Oklahoma 12 miles
Wister Poteau, Oklahoma 10 miles
Woodall Muskogee, Oklahoma 19 miles
Woodlawn Park Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 10 miles
Woodward Clinton, Oklahoma 68 miles
Wright City Paris, Texas 40 miles
Wyandotte Miami, Oklahoma 10 miles
Wynnewood Ada, Oklahoma 30 miles
Wynona Bartlesville, Oklahoma 26 miles
Yale Stillwater, Oklahoma 20 miles
Yeager Ada, Oklahoma 31 miles
Yukon Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 16 miles
Zeb Muskogee, Oklahoma 19 miles
Zena Miami, Oklahoma 28 miles
Zion Ft Smith, Arkansas 34 miles

All adult Americans will at some point in their lives come into contact with the Social Security Agency (SSA) for one reason or another. It may be as simple as dealing with your social security number to claim benefits based on retirement or some disability that may hinder your ability to work.

There are over 1400 Social Security Agency offices nationwide including regional, field, card centers and teleservices locations. Many of these locations are located in major towns and cities. Frequently your local SSA will be busy so it is important to know what you want and what you need to supply in order to get it.

In this post we will look at the services offered by the Social Security Agency and some of the requirements to obtain those services. It is always wise to know the rules at your local SSA offices to make sure you have a quick and trouble free visit.

What Is the Social Security Administration?

The social security administration (SSA) is an independent government agency that administers social security. It is an insurance program that consists of retirement, disability and survivor benefits. In order to qualify for these benefits most workers pay into the system through social security taxes.

The head offices of the social security agency are located in Woodlawn, Maryland and is referred to as the Central Office. There are tens of thousands of workers employed by the social security agency and it is the largest government program in the United States.

It is estimated that by the end of the 2022 fiscal year the agency will have paid out $1.2 trillion in benefits to 66 million citizens and legal residents of the United States. An additional 61 billion is expected in SSI benefits and 7.5 million to low-income individuals.

This government agency is a vital part of the country's economy and without it millions of already struggling Americans would have nothing. It is a program that many have paid into for decades in preparation for retirement and as an insurance policy against sudden disability.

History of the Social Security Agency

On August 14th 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law as part of his New Deal initiative. This led to the creation of the Social Security Board (SSB), a presidentially appointed group of three executives tasked with overseeing the social security program.

With zero budget, staff or even furniture the SSB finally obtained funding from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. It was on October 14th 1936 that the first social security office opened its doors in Austin, Texas.

In January of 1937 social security taxes were first collected. Just a few years later the first social security check was issued to Ida Mary Fuller of Battleboro, Vermont. Ida’s check was dated January 31st 1940 and she received $22.54.

The SSB in 1939 merged with the U.S. Public Health Service, the Civilian Conservation Corp and other government agencies to become the Federal Security Agency. In 1846 under President Harry S. Truman the SSB was named the Social Security Administration SSA.

In 1953 the Federal Security Agency was dismantled and the SSA was placed under the banner of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Finally in 1994 President Bill Clinton made the Social Security Administration an independent body once again.

Field Office Services

The field offices are your everyday walk in the SSA office where you can go to deal with a whole host of requirements. Depending on location you may be able to walk in or you may require an appointment. These offices are frequently busy so setting an appointment may help you save time.

New or Replacement Social Security Cards

Every U.S. citizen or resident alien requires a social security card which comes with its own unique identity number. This number is used to withhold social security taxes from any earned monies of an individual which are then held as insurance for future events.

These funds are collected so that individuals will have a financial safety net if they become unable to work or to supply an income upon retirement. A social security number is a requirement for working any job in the United States.

All U.S. citizens have to apply for a social security number in order to be able to work and this is intended to be their number for the rest of their life. There are however some circumstances which would require a new number to be issued.

A new number may be issued if:

  • The number already belongs to another individual (rare but it can happen)
  • You are a victim of domestic abuse and need to escape detection by your abuser
  • Identity theft to the extent that your social security number is no longer safe to use
  • If there is a valid religious objection to the number for example a Christian may object to a number that contained 666

You may not get a new number to escape bankruptcy, extreme debt or consequences of illegal actions. People do try this and it is very much against the rules.

In order to get a social security number you need proof of identity such as a birth certificate or passport. If you are a non citizen you will need to prove you are legally in the country and that you are eligible to work.

Request Changes to Your Social Security Card

You may need to change the name attached to your social security card based on a legal change of name. This may be because you married or legally changed your name for some other reason. This would not change your number but would be required if you were to be using this new name in all other legal aspects of your life.

In order to change the information regarding your name on your social security card you will need proof of the name change which would include official name change documents or a marriage license.

Once you legally change your name with the social security agency it allows you to more easily change your names on other documents such as your passport or driver's license.

You can get a SSN name change to help evade a stalker but this does need a legal court ordered name change.

Review Your Social Security Statement

Many people may not be aware that they can access their personal social security statement to review their earnings history. This can be helpful to assist with taxes and to detect any fraudulent use of your social security number.

Get an Estimate of Your Retirement Benefits

It may be helpful to know based on your social security account how much it is projected you will be entitled to upon your retirement. This is dependent on how much you have paid in and when you are planning to retire.

Get a Copy of Your Proof of Benefits

You can also visit a field office to obtain a copy of your proof of benefits. This may be needed as proof of income for renting a home or obtaining a personal loan.

Applying for Retirement Benefits

The social security agency field office can help you to apply for your retirement benefits. As of July 2022 the earliest you can apply for retirement benefits is 61 years and 9 months. Your first social security check if you qualified would then be issued 4 months later the month after your 62nd birthday.

Applying for SSI or SSDI Benefits

Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) is a benefit offered to those who due to age or disability are limited in their ability to earn. This may be a personal disability or that of an individual that you have to take care of. It is a supplemental income based on what you already make to help bridge the gap in your household needs.

Social Security Disability Insurance is for individuals who based on their disability are unable to earn money. This is based on former social security payments made prior to the disability. It may be permanent or temporary depending on the situation.

Applying for Social Security Spousal or Survivor Benefits

Seniors whose spouses pass are eligible to receive the benefits of their deceased spouse in addition to their own.

Applying for Medicare

As part of retirement the Medicare program supplies retirees with health coverage which can be applied for via the social security system. You can visit a field office to do this and can also apply for replacement Medicare cards as well should they become lost or damaged.

Set up Direct Deposits for Social Security Benefits

Direct deposit in today's digital world is far more convenient than the old system of checks. The social security field office can help you set up direct deposit of your benefits straight to the bank account of your choosing.

What Can You Do Online?

As mentioned, in person social security offices can be very busy and often stressful places. As such with the world becoming more digital there is an increasing amount that can be done online.

Choosing to do certain things related to social security online can be quicker and far less stressful. There are still many things you have to do in person but there are some simpler tasks that can be done online. Some things may start online but require you to mail in documents to complete the process.

Online you can:

  • Review your account
  • Apply for benefits
  • Make changes to your account
  • Request replacement cards
  • Get benefit estimates
  • Print proof of benefits
  • Check status of any applications pending
  • Set up or change direct deposit information
  • Change Address details

What Should You Do if Your Social Security Number Is Lost or Stolen?

Your social security number (SSN) is unique to you and can be used to file taxes, obtain loans/credit cards and legally work. There is a thriving criminal business in social security fraud so protecting your unique SSN is important.

If your card is lost or stolen it is important to act immediately to protect yourself from potential fraud. Request a replacement card and place a fraud alert on your social security number. It is also wise to monitor your credit report to get an early warning of activity that is not initiated by yourself.

Obtain a unique tax filing code with the IRS so that only you can file your taxes. If someone else has your social security number they can fraudulently file as you and receive the refund that you are entitled to.

It is also important that you are careful who you give your social security number to. It is only required for certain things and you should not give it out over the phone to unknown sources.

Why Should I Make an Appointment?

If you have ever driven past a Social Security Office before it opens in the mornings you probably already know the answer to this question. The lines waiting outside can often circle the entire building and then some.

When you make an appointment you are often able to join a much shorter secondary line and will be waiting a much shorter time to be seen. Those without appointments are at the mercy of the crowds and could be spending hours to complete their business with the SSA.

If you can do what you need to online it is wise to do so rather than visiting an actual office. In the event that you must attend in person make sure you have all the documents required for your purpose. If you are missing something vital you will have to get that document and come back another time.

Along with the Secretary of State and DMV, the Social Security office is likely one of the most frustrating and time consuming aspects of our lives. People seldom look forward to going to the SSA office so be smart about it.


The Social Security Agency offices offer a wide range of services to help you understand your present and future benefits through this government agency. Throughout our working life we pay into the social security system to build up this insurance for our future.

Reference SSA Locator

If you use any of the forms, definitions, or data shown on SSA Locator, please make sure to link or reference us using the tool below. Thanks!

  • "List of Social Security Offices in Oklahoma". SSA Locator. Accessed on February 6, 2025.

  • "List of Social Security Offices in Oklahoma". SSA Locator, Accessed 6 February, 2025

  • List of Social Security Offices in Oklahoma. SSA Locator. Retrieved from